How to Persuade Your Customers to Install Solar
Solar systems offer many benefits, and they are becoming increasingly popular among the masses of late. Still, a massive population is not yet receptive to the idea of solar power generation by installing their own solar systems in a residential or commercial setting. That certainly makes it a bit of a challenge for solar installers to persuade their prospects and get them to install solar.
Whether you have bought leads for solar or acquired them through organic channels, in most cases, you’re just a step away from securing the deal before you part ways with your prospects. At that point, all it takes is some more information and convincing to turn them into your customers. If you are not good at that or if nothing seems to be working in your favor, we have detailed a few effective ways to persuade your customers to take the leap of faith and get their first solar installation.
1. Make them realize their social responsibility
Every responsible American takes climate change seriously and is always willing to play their part in protecting the environment. As the world is heading towards a sustainable environment and a net-zero carbon future, solar panels can be a great way for residential and commercial users to significantly reduce their carbon footprint, contributing towards a sustainable future and environment.
Pitching the idea to your prospects and making them realize their social responsibility could be a key motivator in their decision to install solar. Of course, you can pitch them the many other benefits they enjoy by choosing solar; but when you tap into their sense of social responsibility, they will take it more seriously. Nothing in your pitch will sound ‘Salesy’ to them at any point.
2. Tell them it will help save big on their energy bills
One of the biggest draws of using solar power is that it helps reduce utility bills significantly and locks in your energy price for years to come. You have to invest a significant amount to buy solar panels and all associated equipment, particularly when you’re paying for it upfront. Tell your clients that transitioning to solar may seem expensive initially, but it will pay you back for years to come as your utility bills will be reduced significantly.
Even if the installed solar system doesn’t cover their 100% energy needs, there will still be significant savings on their energy bills. It is also possible to connect the energy systems to the local grid and take advantage of net metering regardless of the installed solar system size. With net metering, the need for installing batteries with the system is also eliminated, and any excess power generated by the solar panels is diverted to the grid, earning credits on utility bills.
That said, try to convince your customers that even if the solar array meets only half of their needs, they’ll still be able to get the economic benefit when they choose the option of net metering in their area.
3. Always have the exact numbers at your fingertips
You may have the best leads, and you might tell them the cost savings they can enjoy by installing solar, but it’s essential to share the exact numbers with your prospects to secure the deal. While most of your prospects would know such renewable energy will help save their hard-earned money by reducing the ever-rising electricity costs, some might not yet be ready to take the leap due to huge up-front costs.
To get their business, you should have all the exact figures at your fingertips. Do your homework, assess all their energy requirements, and give them a tailored solution to ensure they can easily overcome the financial barrier. It is also a good idea to give them a breakdown of their total investment so that they understand where their money is going.
4. Give them a financing solution
Today, many flexible financing options are available for solar installation, and this can also be a big draw for your prospects. You can convince them that with a viable financing solution, even their upfront costs will be significantly reduced, and the savings on their energy bills will start immediately.
It is possible to get a mortgage or a loan to improve the energy efficiency of a building. Some states even allow borrowers to repay their loans through their monthly energy bill with utility companies on the panel. The mechanism is known as on-bill financing and can be a great way to cover the principal cost. It looks like the borrower is paying their energy bills to the utility company, but the money they save on their electricity bills eventually offsets the investment.
With such flexible financing solutions, you will likely persuade your prospects to install solar, as they won’t be making a massive investment upfront.
5. Convince them with local case studies
You can spend days and months convincing your prospects by promising energy savings and other benefits and still may not be able to get their business. However, if you can show them the different solar systems have made for your past clients, you have a great chance of converting them then and there. Always encourage your past clients to review your service and how it impacted their energy needs and bills.
Local case studies from your happy customers can then be used as proof that their investment was worth it, and anyone investing in solar can also get similar benefits. Such proof can inspire your prospects and help them decide quickly to make the purchase.
While you can continue hard-selling your products and use the tips above to persuade your customers to install solar, gradually educating them is always a good idea. You can highlight their energy usage and assist them with different strategies they may employ to reduce their carbon footprint. They will soon understand the impact of their decision to install solar and will choose to go down that road.