
How to Optimize Your Solar Business Website for Conversions

In the solar industry, your website stands as a powerful tool to attract and convert leads. To capitalize on this potential, the focus must lie in optimizing for conversions—especially from mobile users who dominate web traffic today. Begin by enhancing loading speeds; slow sites lose visitors quickly.

Adopt responsive design to ensure usability across all devices. Simplification of navigation along with streamlined checkout processes can significantly improve user experience, encouraging more actions like purchases or sign-ups. Employ high-quality images and clear calls-to-action (CTAs) to grab attention effectively.

Moreover, testing and analyzing user behavior allows for tailored upgrades that boost conversion rates further—a step you cannot afford to overlook if aiming for increased sales and customer engagement in your solar business.

Optimize for Mobile Users

To ace mobile optimization, start by slashing loading times. Sites that load in two seconds rake in 15% more conversions. Remember, a snappy site keeps customers engaged.

Next up, embrace responsive design; it molds your content to fit any screen perfectly and boosts usability big time—think seamless shopping on the go! Also crucial is simplifying navigation; make everything findable with just a few taps to keep frustration at bay. Smoother checkouts are non-negotiable, too.

Strip down the process to essentials and offer varied payment options because no one likes jumping through hoops when they’re ready to buy quality solar leads. This approach not only meets but exceeds mobile user expectations, helping you convert browsers into buyers effortlessly.

Craft Compelling CTAs

Creating effective Calls to Action (CTAs) is crucial for your solar business’s online success. Start with clear, concise language that speaks directly to the desired action, whether it’s “Buy Now” for products or “Schedule an Appointment” for services. Tailor these phrases to fit your specific offering and audience needs.

Introducing a sense of urgency in CTAs can significantly boost conversions; phrases like “Limited-time offer” work wonders, but they should be used judiciously to maintain trust. Remember, not every part of your webpage needs a CTA. Overloading users can dilute their impact and leave visitors confused about what step they should take next.

Experimenting through A/B testing helps identify which CTAs perform best without overwhelming your website visitors. Moreover, making sure that each Call-to-Action stands out on any device supports conversion optimization efforts across different platforms—consider contrasting colors or varying sizes based on screen type without sacrificing consistency with your brand’s voice. Refining these aspects ensures you’re effectively guiding potential customers toward taking actionable steps while delivering insights into user engagement patterns critical for fine-tuning future strategies.

Implement High-Quality Visual Content

Implementing high-quality visual content is key for your solar business website. Use crisp, vivid images of installations and services to grab attention. Ensure pictures are optimized with descriptive alt tags like “residential rooftop solar panel installation.” This improves SEO and accessibility, making your site friendly both to search engines and users who rely on screen readers.

Compress files for faster loading without sacrificing clarity. High-resolution visuals paired with strategic optimization enhance user engagement and convey professionalism, setting you apart in the competitive solar market landscape. Remember, every image tells a story—make yours compelling to draw visitors closer to conversion.

Incorporate Long-Tail Keywords

Incorporating long-tail keywords into your solar business’s content can pivotally enhance its visibility and engagement. Long-tail keywords, often more than four words in length, represent the specific queries of potential customers. For instance, a search for “solar energy solutions for small homes” shows clearer intent to purchase compared to broader searches like “solar panels.” These phrases not only align with Google’s algorithm favoring relevance but also signal higher buyer readiness.

To leverage this effectively, start by crafting headlines rich with these targeted phrases; they attract clicks through their specificity. In addition, internal linking boosts rankings by showing Google the depth of relevant content on your site. This structured approach mirrors successful strategies I’ve applied across my blogs—amplifying monthly readership significantly.

Remember: Over 95% of Google searches use precise wording that long-tail targets meet. By focusing on them, you’re essentially tapping into a goldmine of engaged users ready to convert or learn more about solar options tailored specifically to their needs.

Speed Up Your Website Load Time

To speed up your website, focus on key metrics from Google PageSpeed Insights. Start with First Contentful Paint (FCP) to ensure initial content loads swiftly. Pay attention to the Largest Contentful Paint (LCP); a fast LCP improves user experience and boosts rankings since it’s considered by Google for page evaluations.

Minimize Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) as sudden layout changes deter users and indicate coding issues, affecting how you stack up in search results. First Input Delay (FID) matters greatly; it gauges the responsiveness of your site when interacted with—for instance, how quickly a video starts upon clicking. Beyond these field data points are lab data insights like Speed Index (SI), which tells you about the overall visibility timing of web elements above the fold without scrolling down.

Time to Interactive measures when all interactive parts become usable—crucial for engagement—and Total Blocking Time highlights potential stalls between loading and interactivity phases. Improving these areas enhances user satisfaction considerably because nearly half expect rapid load times under two seconds—a crucial factor in keeping visitors engaged and converting leads into customers effectively within our solar niche market.

Utilize A/B Testing for Conversion Elements

To effectively utilize A/B testing for conversion elements, start by pinpointing exactly what you aim to enhance. Craft a hypothesis that clearly outlines the issue, potential solution, and measurable outcomes. For instance, hypothesize that altering a button’s label from “Next” to “Complete Purchase” might reduce step abandonment by clarifying the action for users.

Next up: create two versions — your original (A) and modified version (B), with distinction in aspects like color or text based solely on your hypothesis. Use tools such as Google Optimize or Optimizely to implement these tests technically without heavy lifting. Once set, divert some user traffic to both variants equally and commence data collection using integration with analytical platforms like Google Analytics or through specific conversions tracking setups in ad platforms if applicable.

Through statistical analysis over an appropriate duration—avoid drawing premature conclusions—you’ll discern whether changes positively impacted desired metrics significantly. This process ensures decisions are driven by actual user interaction data rather than speculation, making it integral not just for one-off improvements but for continuous optimization of conversion rates efficiently.

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The Ocean That Is “YouTube for Solar” is definitely the forerunner when it comes to mastering YouTube ads for solar companies.  Simply put, we were the first to do it successfully.  Many have tried and failed in the past, and many will soon do the same.  This is because of how YouTube works.  Before you decide to work with another marketing company for Solar YouTube ads, you’ll want to read this post.


What does it mean that YouTube is an auction? It means that when two advertisers go head-to-head on YouTube, the one who is willing to bid a higher price will win.  But this is a dangerous strategy, because Youtube obviously wants people to bid higher and higher so they make more.  And WE want to bid the lowest price so we get the best cost.  So there is a delicate balance involved in making sure that we don’t pay more for leads than we have to.

We at Solar Exclusive spend over $1.2M per month on YouTube every single month.  We’ve spent over $10M in the last year.  Simply put, we know what a good bid price is for every single market that sells solar in the United States.  Hence, we have an advantage over all the marketing companies trying to follow in our footsteps and start adding YouTube ads to their product suite.  We win auctions every day against other bidders who don’t have the same market data as us.  This means we can get the highest quality leads for the best costs simply because we have experience.  Anyone going into YouTube for the first time is at least 12-24 months behind us in regards to data collection and expertise.  Do you want to pay a marketer to learn the ropes with your money, or would you rather just take a shortcut to success immediately?


Let’s take a state for illustration purposes.  We currently spend over $400,000 throughout the entire state of California on YouTube every month.  That’s just one state! We currently have campaigns in 40 states, there is no major solar market in the USA that we haven’t penetrated.  If you run YouTube with the latest “cheat code” or another marketer, we can confidently predict that every time someone sees your ad, they will see ours within 2-24 hours.  Do you want Solar Exclusive to pick off all your leads or would you prefer that that couldn’t happen?  Let me explain.

We set up ALL our campaigns with an exclusivity shield in place.  What does that mean?  Every time someone watches your campaign’s video and you pay for it, we place that individual in a pool that tracks their IP address.  Every time that person comes back on YouTube, they will only see YOUR ad and not one of your competitors that we work with.  And the same goes for all the other clients.  This means that NEVER will a lead fill out your form, check out YouTube a day later, and ask for a quote from one of your competitors that we work with.  This is incredibly effective!  It keeps all leads 100% exclusive and impossible to be shared.  And it’s an essential strategy to keeping YouTube’s lead quality high.  If you could essentially prevent 98% of competitor’s money from ever playing in your sandbox, do you think that has an impact on results? You bet!  In other words, by working with Solar Exclusive you insulate yourself from ALL of Solar Exclusive’s clients getting in front of your leads and potentially taking deals from you.

If you use a competitor of ours, who do you think will be standing on the doorstep knocking on your lead’s digital door?  That’s right.  We will.  Big fish eat little fishies all the time in the wild open sea.  It’s no different here.  In fact, once all the marketing companies catch up (which will be at least one year from now), we will already have strategies designed to pick off leads from our competitors because of unreleased targeting strategies our executive team at Google has given us access to (it pays to be the largest spender on YouTube–we get access to targeting other advertisers don’t have).


On Black Friday 2020, we spent $75,000 across all our campaigns that day ALONE.  Over 1000 solar companies wouldn’t have used us to grow their business with YouTube if it didn’t work.  The fact is that we have so much more room to grow and increase our campaigns’ effectiveness.  If you haven’t used YouTube yet in your solar business, what are you waiting for?

We don’t have enough time here to explain the differences between YouTube and Facebook, but if you’d like to see a more in-depth treatment of that subject, then CLICK RIGHT HERE.

Otherwise just book a call below and make sure you’re on the right team when it comes to the ocean that is YouTube.

Choose wisely.

If you’d like to get your first $500 worth of leads and appointments from Solar Exclusive for FREE, book a call below or call our office at 702-462-7237

Read More vs. Solar Cheat Code and Other Lead Companies – An Overview

If you’re on Facebook as a solar professional, it’s hard to go a day without seeing an advertisement from either Solar Exclusive or Bill Murphy of the Solar Cheat Code. Or perhaps you’ve used Solar Reviews, Solar Estimates, or even Modernize or Clean Energy Experts. This article is meant to survey the various options so solar professionals can be prepared to weigh the pros and cons of working with these various companies. The bottom line is that hundreds of solar professionals have gotten significant ROIs with both Solar Cheat Code and Solar Exclusive, as well as the others listed.



There is a big difference between Solar Reviews/Estimates and Modernize vs. Solar Exclusive or the SCC run by Bill Murphy. Most of these companies are in the business of selling leads, whereas Solar Exclusive and the SCC provide a service to generate exclusive leads.

Price points vary for Solar Reviews and Modernize, where you can spend very little and get a handful of shared leads. Often this low-ball service doesn’t translate to much new business so rookie solar professionals give up after spending a few hundred dollars. To buy exclusive leads from these companies can sometimes cost upwards of $150-$300 depending on the market.
If you’re looking for exclusive leads at desirable cost points, then probably Solar Cheat Code (SCC) or Solar Exclusive will be a better option. So what are the key differences between the SCC and Solar Exclusive?


The Solar Cheat Code started in 2018, two years after Solar Exclusive. It quickly grew in popularity because of Bill Murphy’s enthusiasm stemming from the fact that he used to run a solar company. This begs the question that if indeed his “cheat code” was the best thing to ever happen to solar marketing, then why didn’t he keep it to himself and use it for his own company?

As we all know, there is much more revenue potential in the solar industry itself rather than running a marketing company. Nevertheless, Bill ran his entire platform on the fact that his students “wouldn’t have to hire a marketing agency or buy a lead ever again” because he would teach them his Facebook cheat code on how to generate solar leads for themselves.
However, 2 years later, it appears that Bill has shifted his business to be just what he used to preach against: the solar cheat code now has a marketing agency. The SCC is now competing with other marketing agencies and the biggest one in the country is Solar Exclusive (In fact, Bill must have been inspired by the Exclusive brand since “Roofing Cheat Code” was just released, most likely in response to the launch of, Solar Exclusive’s sister company).
There is no doubt that Bill and SCC have had some great results generated by their students. Whether his client base has a 90% retention and satisfaction rate (like Solar Exclusive), we can’t say.
Solar Exclusive has worked with over 800 solar companies and generated over $575M in solar sales since 2016.
So how do the Solar Cheat Code and Solar Exclusive compare?



First we can discuss the similarities.
Both SCC and offer exclusive marketing systems for their clients.  They also both offer a call center option which is performance-based (Only pay for sits–if they don’t sit, you don’t pay).  Solar Exclusive started offering this back in January 2020, and SCC followed suit a few months back.
Both agencies have minimum commitments for their clients of 3 months. This is common in the marketing world due to the significant amount of time involved in building a custom marketing campaign for a solar company. However, The Cheat Code requests a $3000 setup fee (sometimes as high as $6700 if you buy their “course”). We at Solar Exclusive have our setup fee between $1000-$2000 depending on scope of work. This is one of the key differences between both options.
Secondly, both agencies charge monthly management fees which are flat fees for managing your ad budget. SCC charges $2500, whereas we at Solar Exclusive charge $2000 per month on our first tier. This means that choosing to work with Solar Exclusive will save the average solar professional between $3500-$7200 in the first 3 months. This can be worth 1-3 deals worth of commissions or could be invested into ad spend to increase your sales.



Now the key differences between SCC and Solar Exclusive is that we generate all our leads and appointments from YouTube and Google compared to SCC on Facebook. We used to run all our ads on Facebook too (even before SCC existed), but found in 2019 that it made more sense for us to find a new platform considering how the costs steadily increased on Facebook and the quality of the leads decreased significantly. Our clients consistently tell us how our leads and appointments are the highest quality they’ve ever had from a direct response marketing company. This is largely due to the fact that our leads are educated on YouTube and Google instead of “clickbaited” on Facebook.
Bill boasted that his company hit $100,000 per month in revenue last year in a public Facebook group, posting pictures in his Ads in front of a fancy house and car. Rich Feola, the founder of Solar Exclusive (which is currently approaching $2 million per month in revenue as of October 2020), decided instead to use his business funds to invest in starting a solar dealer network and his own personal solar company because he believes in the industry’s future. When one truly strikes gold in the marketing world, it only makes sense to structure a business in the industry you know so well. To once sell solar and now sell marketing isn’t something to be proud of, in our opinion. But to master marketing and then become a major player in the industry itself is to be commended.  That is something Rich, our founder, is aspiring to do to create more value for the industry.


Ultimately, what solar professionals care about is results. We know Bill and the SCC team can get great results and many people are happy with them. We have clients who swear by us too and have been with us for years and secretly don’t want anyone to know how well they’re doing with our service (our biggest client spends $300,000 per month).
Our founder also spent some time building an “online course community” much like Bill and the SCC in 2018. What we found was that most people didn’t have the time to actually spend hours in front of a computer learning how to run ads for their solar company. It appears that Bill has now learned that a large majority of his students may not have gotten much out of the program and this may be why he feels he has to shift his entire business model to now being the type of agency he used to swear against.
We recommend testing a few different services and determining which is best for you long-term (we know Bill feels the same).
Keep in mind, however, that if you want to scale your marketing sometimes it is best to have multiple companies and especially ones that diversify off of Facebook. To have two agencies both using Facebook ads in the same market is competing against yourself. Solar Exclusive is the only reputable organization spending millions per month on Google and Youtube (which classifies us as the single largest spender in the solar energy category on the internet).

Hiring the SCC team or Solar Exclusive is certainly more to be desired than hiring some ‘solo young-gun’ marketer who records his videos and runs his ads in his mom’s backyard or basement. There are a plethora of marketers who claim to get great results, but usually the most established brands are successful because they create measurable and scalable success for their customers.

And whether you choose Solar Exclusive or Bill and the SCC team, you’ll probably fare better than going with a fly by night marketer or a lead service like Modernize or Solar Reviews.

If you’d like to get your first $500 worth of leads and appointments from Solar Exclusive for FREE, book a call below or call our office at 702-462-7237

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Did the Demand for Solar Panels Double During this Pandemic?

One challenge, however, is that potential solar power leads are now harder to find because of the pandemic restrictions, and people are encouraged to stay at home. Door to door selling is also out of the question as this is also discouraged during the pandemic and is even a bigger problem as residents will feel invaded. Companies begin to boost their marketing online and work hard to turn these solar power leads into solid clients using various strategies including free trials. Some offer lower-priced packages for long-term consumers if they choose to avail for longer than a year.

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As these promotions push people to show interest in looking for alternative options, companies can jump at the chance for these inquiries to become solar power leads and be potential clients. As inquiries pour in, what better time for companies to educate the general public and generate more interest as they become solar power leads. If you are a company in search of an opportunity for solar power leads, Solar Exclusive guarantees the best qualified residential leads. No need to waste time on shared leads with other companies as you get pre-set appointments from Solar Exclusive. Let their marketing experts do all the strategies and get their qualified appointments so you can have more clients for your business.

With a network of solar power companies out of 35 states across the US, their methods generate custom-made leads for your company the way you need them. Using various strategies and especially over social media and other online platforms, Solar Exclusive has a system in place that can quickly generate leads as they can gather data. They can get pre-set appointments so all you have to do is give the leads a call and become your clients. Solar Exclusive believes wasting time is not beneficial to business, and their system filters out which people are potential clients and which ones will just use up your time. These leads are also exclusively for you, without your competitor sharing the information that you have. Solar Exclusive guarantees that the leads you receive are not discarded by any other company and that they are indeed buyers ready to purchase from you. Schedule a call now so you can discuss the strategy you will use.[/vc_column_text]


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How is the Pandemic Affecting the Solar Installation Business?




Another key factor to consider is that residential solar installation leads are VERY HOT during a recession.  If the economy was to crash, homeowners would be even more eager to save money on their utility bills with solar.  The fact that we are in the business of saving people money makes solar installation leads a hot commodity during an economic crisis.  When people lose their jobs, their bills don’t stop coming.  We help people eliminate their electric bill and save money.



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Every month since February, we have had record-breaking months at Solar Exclusive.  This is not necessarily because we are doing anything differently, but simply because our clients are spending more money on our exclusive solar installation leads.  We don’t have as much client turnover as other solar marketing companies and the clients we do have are steadily increasing their budget each month with us.  This is because they see the value in our solar installation leads and appointments and are getting incredible results at desirable costs per acquisition.




One of the main struggles solar companies have been having during the pandemic is scheduling appointments from the solar installation leads they purchase.  Since we added our internal call center, our clients results have improved dramatically.  We only charge for the appointments that actually transition to a proposal, so you don’t have to worry about paying for a call center by the hour anymore.  Instead, we’re completely performance based with our call center. If our appointments don’t sit, you don’t pay.  [This optional add-on benefit is only available to existing clients who pay our fees to run a custom marketing system for their company]



Even in the midst of the corona pandemic, most of our clients are having incredible success stories (just see our testimonial page for proof).  With door knocking and telemarketing not getting nearly the results as time past, perhaps you should consider purchasing exclusive solar installation leads and pre-set appointments from an internet marketing organization.  If you’re ready to discuss pricing, and your specific market’s costs, call our office at 702-462-7237 or book a call below this paragraph.  We look forward to getting you high quality exclusive solar installation leads and pre-set appointments![/vc_column_text]





Even in the midst of the corona pandemic, most of our clients are having incredible success stories (just see our testimonial page for proof).  With door knocking and telemarketing not getting nearly the results as time past, perhaps you should consider purchasing exclusive solar installation leads and pre-set appointments from an internet marketing organization.  If you’re ready to discuss pricing, and your specific market’s costs, call our office at 702-462-7237 or book a call below this paragraph.  We look forward to getting you high quality exclusive solar installation leads and pre-set appointments![/vc_column_text]


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5 Important Tips on Choosing the Right Solar Lead Generation Company


DON’T FOLLOW THE BANDWAGONEveryone seems to be flocking to running Facebook ads for solar leads since the advent of popular coaching programs like “The Solar Cheat Code”.  Despite many people having success with those types of programs, we have noticed a steady decline in results on Facebook since mid 2019 due to the immense amount of competition in the marketplace.  Running Facebook ads for solar companies is so 2018, and that was when we saw the peak in our results on that platform.  Since then, it has steadily become more expensive and the lead quality has consistently gone down as the Facebook news feed becomes more competitive.  Facebook used to show an ad once every 8-10 posts, now they show one every 2-3 posts.  Facebook is running out of real estate, and it is becoming more expensive for everyone.  Not only that, but there are already hundreds of solar ads in every major market in the United States today running and fighting for your leads’ attention.

We began running YouTube ads in mid 2019 and have seen way better results: lower costs and higher quality leads on a much more professional platform.  It is more complex to advertise on YouTube, so competition is not currently an issue.  We see lead costs as low as $2-$3 and as high as $10-$20 in some of the most competitive markets in the U.S.  If you’ve run Facebook ads any time recently, you know those costs cannot be beat.


FOCUS ON APPOINTMENT SET RATEThe most important metric for exclusive high quality solar leads is how many transition to actual sat appointments.  In 2018, at the height of our Facebook lead production, we would see anywhere from 5-15% of the leads book a pre-set appointment immediately after requesting a quote directly on the website itself.  Then about 10-15% of the remainder of the leads (those that didn’t pre-set) would set an appointment when the inside sales rep called on the leads.  This would create a 15-20% lead to appointment set rate overall.  On YouTube, we’ve seen as many as 20-40% of leads pre-set an appointment immediately on the website, and then 10-15% of the other leads set as well.  This has increased our overall set rate to 30% or more in nearly 90% of all our campaigns.  Getting more sits from exclusive high quality solar leads will always transition to more sales for your solar business.  This is why we have a 90% success rate and our clients are actively increasing their spend with us each month as they grow.


CHOOSE A COMPANY THAT GETS RESULTS IN THE WINTERYou know a solar lead company is legit when they get results and high quality solar leads during the slowest season of the year.  Our lead costs were steady through the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, as well as through the dead of winter in January and February.  We anticipate spring and summer 2020 to be one of our best years yet since switching to YouTube ads.  Lead costs are already very low, and the quality is very high, so we expect the results will only get better as the seasons get warmer and homeowners are more aware of their high energy bills.


IT ALL COMES DOWN TO COST PER ACQUISITIONEvery market and every one of our clients who purchase high quality solar leads have different results.  The reason for this is because every market has a different level of competition, and every client has varying talent in their ability to set appointments and generate sales from our opportunities.  We’ve seen our cost per acquisition be as low as $200 per sale in certain markets, although other markets can be higher.  We’ve even seen it lower for some sales organizations who are great at what they do.  We recommend looking at our testimonial page to hear from other solar sales organizations who have purchased high quality solar leads from us.  If you’re ready to discuss pricing, and your specific market’s costs, call our office at 702-462-7237 or book a call below this paragraph.  We look forward to getting you high quality exclusive solar leads and pre-set appointments!

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