How to Find Solar Panel Leads – Should You Buy or Generate Your Own
If you are a solar installer, you know it is hard to generate leads that convert to sales. Consumers are now used to solar marketing in television, radio, and telemarketing and have become less responsive.
Nevertheless, if they are interested in solar, they google just some solar-related keywords and land on an internet site. Thus, Solar Companies are now opting for web-generated leads as they are more efficient in generating quality leads.
I know you are wondering, should I buy leads, or do I generate my own? This article explores both methods.
How difficult is it to generate my leads?
It is hard if you are starting. This requires that you have a recognized online presence. Furthermore, you need to invest highly in content creation to create traffic on your website that can generate leads. This might not serve you in the short term. This is because you require 2-3 years for your website to start generating traffic.
However, this can do very well in the long run. I’m pretty sure you do not want to wait for the next two years to start generating your leads. You might consider buying leads for a start as you work on the long-term project of generating your leads.
Remember you require expert advice even for your long-term project.
How Profitable is it to Buy My Lead?
This is the most effective technique to generate leads in our country today. Several companies have specialized in lead generation and provide exclusive and high-quality leads that easily convert to sales.
However, some of these companies are fraudsters and therefore due diligence is necessary. If you find a good lead-generating company you are guaranteed to get your return on investment.
These companies save you the trouble of actively looking for solar panel leads.
Factors to Consider when buying a lead
As I mentioned above, due diligence is key. Some features to consider include;
It is important to consider companies that deal with solar services only. They understand well what works.
Type of lead;
Some types of leads include; telemarketing leads, solar lead sheets, opt-in solar leads, and solar appointment leads. Solar appointment leads have proved to be more effective over time. This is because they book you an appointment on your calendar and you only focus on interacting with the lead. Some solar lead-generating companies are Solar Exclusive and CrunchBase. For other types of leads, you can consider Solar Reviews, Energy Sage and Clean Energy.
how long have they been in the business? Consider more experienced companies.
buying your lead is the best way to find solar panel leads. A good solar lead-generating company will provide you with high-quality and exclusive leads. If you consider solar appointment leads, you can be sure of getting leads all year. They will save you much of the work as you work on client satisfaction.
However, it is worth investing in your own content marketing for a long-term return. I highly recommend a company dealing with residential solar leads only like Solar Exclusive!